Before it is mispronounced and misunderstood:
Tyaa-guh-raa-jem Guh-lee
The first word is made of the roots "tyaaga" and "raajam" meaning the "king of sacrifice". Never mind the king or queen, the masculine prick etc because no matter what "king" sounds more empowering to me and embodies more authority when addressed even to a female. Of course, since I write these they have something to do with me. I AM, in fact what is written. Yes, Tyagaraajam. I cannot deny, I revel in sacrifice (completely ego-feeding) and I love providing. I adore being the shady, half face in the dark-giver of all you ask-the silent godmother figure. That has been buzzing and came up because of everything in the past weeks and months. I just cannot say NO. I don't want to. I want to stretch a little, creep beneath, twist the finger and get the butter and then throw it to other hounds jumping below. Probably, this reliability and patron factor is unique to me. Sometimes, I can't get a better high. And hence, my "Gali". A space, lane, domain encompassing all activities of human life where there is bound to be a "Tyagaraajam Gali" and you will find me seated at the very heart of the golden throne inside on the eighth left main, on 5 august, 2005 (my favorite date because it is short to write in french letters).